Inflation is hitting hard – what does it mean for your business? The downsides, a couple of potential positives, and how to get in touch to figure out how much you should raise your prices.
Is your startup ready to scale up? We’ll help you build a viable scale-up plan, with costings, budgets and achievable targets to meet.
Want to expand your business development activity, but don’t know how? We’ll help you highlight the opportunities and draw up the best possible plan for your BD activities.
Now is a great time to review contractor agreements to clearly define the working relationship, rights and obligations. Ask us about getting lawful contracts for all your independent contractors so you can trust the terms of the engagement.
Having a healthy workplace is great for employers and employees, but it can be a challenge to create an environment that truly supports mental health and builds resilience. This article looks at proven ways to support employee wellbeing.
The Victorian government has announced thousands of workers in casual and insecure jobs will now be able to access five days of paid sick leave per year. This provides casual and contract workers with a guarantee they will receive paid
The endless pursuit of new customers often distracts us from looking after our existing ones (and their sales needs)! Want to increase your average customer spend? And delight your existing clients? We can help.
Are you undercharging for your fees? We’ve got the five warning signs that can help you diagnose whether your prices are too low. #Pricing
We see people, who are excellent at what they do, work tirelessly in their businesses while neglecting their strategy. Spending 1% of your work time (or 20 hours a year) on recalibrating your business is key for #Efficiency #Growth #Sanity
Are you providing employee benefits other than salary due to COVID-19? If so, you could be up for fringe benefits tax. FBT is complex, but we can assess whether exemptions apply to your business or assess any liability. Book a