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Marketing your law firm can be challenging. Law is a highly regulated industry, so there may be marketing practices which are not appropriate for you. Fortunately, there are some you can apply to drive your law firm’s growth. In this post, we share some of those you can incorporate into your digital marketing strategy.

1. The power of content marketing

Why does content marketing work well for a law firm?

i. It’s the right medium to demonstrate the firm’s intellectual talent and capability
ii. It’s an opportunity to cite relevant case studies without making an ‘ad’ out of them
iii. Its reach can be very targetted

Yes, it does take time, but with a content marketing plan in place, this can be easily mitigated. Ideally, you should put out content that highlights your firm’s expertise and experience.

2. Email marketing

In professional services, the recommendations and referrals given by existing or past clients matter. Their positive experience with your law firm is an invaluable marketing asset. However, depending on the type of legal practice your firm specialises in, clients may not regularly engage your services. Hence, how do you maintain brand saliency? Email marketing helps to this end. As a stay in touch practice, they are very targeted and inexpensive. Doing so will keep you on their radar and when appropriate they might refer your services to others in need.

3. Use relevant social media platforms

When used appropriately, social media platforms can produce the desired results for your law firm. After all, your prospects can be found ‘hanging out’ in any one of them too. But you’ve got to be selective in the type of content posted on them. For example, LinkedIn is an excellent tool for connecting with similar professionals, while Twitter is a great platform for quick and profound responses or reactions to a related matter in your sector. Facebook, on the other hand, can be used to demonstrate the human side of your firm; for example, your support for a charitable cause.

If you’re ready to elevate your law firm’s marketing to the next level, connect with us here today!