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Katie Xero Webinar
Here at Propeller Advisory, we’re obsessed with helping you get better at doing business. Whether that’s improving your bottom line, learning to love your numbers, managing a more effective team, or enhancing your marketing, we ask our clients and other experts to share their expertise. View all our webinars on Vimeo Propeller CEO and Xero...
Business Management
Pexels Life Of Pix 7974
Should you buy a commercial premises for your business and say goodbye to your landlord? Or is the flexibility of leasing more valuable? We consider the pros and cons.
Finance, Accounting
Pexels Pixabay 53621
Is your business credit score holding you back? Our guide to business credit scores shows you five important ways to get your credit score back on track
Business Advisory
Pexels Alex Green 5699456
Is your business credit score holding you back? Our guide to business credit scores shows you five important ways to get your credit score back on track
Finance, Business Advisory
Pexels Cottonbro Studio 3944405
Is your business credit score holding you back? Our guide to business credit scores shows you five important ways to get your credit score back on track
Business Advisory, Business Basics
Pexels Anastasia Shuraeva 7278882
Read our guide to writing a business plan and find out the major benefits of having a detailed roadmap to follow
Finance, Business Management, Business Advisory
Pexels Gerzon Piñata 9512007 (2)
Hoping to sell your business in the next five years? We’ll help you get your business in order and come up with a sale plan that delivers the best possible sale price
Business Management, Business Advisory, Business Growth
Pexels Kampus Production 8475156
Planning on purchasing a business? We’ve got five key questions for you to consider before you dive in at the deep end and complete the acquisition
News, Business Updates, Taxation
Pexels Andreea Ch 1166643
Electricity is the new black. Gas and other fossil fuels are out. A new, limited incentive nudges business towards energy efficiency. We show you how to maximise the deduction!
Business Management, Business Advisory
Pexels Marc Mueller 380769
Should you buy a commercial premises for your business and say goodbye to your landlord? Or is the flexibility of leasing more valuable? We consider the pros and cons.
Business Management, Business Advisory
Pexels Gerzon Piñata 9512007 (1)
Switching to a lean business model could be the most effective way to grow your manufacturing business. We’ve picked out five ways that lean helps your business meet its goals.
Business Management, Business Advisory
Pexels Andrea Piacquadio 3760067
In these uncertain times, business success can be a challenge. We’ve highlighted five strategies for navigating economic uncertainty.
Uncategorized, Client Stories
Marianne Marchesi Legalite Scaled
Marianne Marchesi is on a mission to simplify legal services. With an entrepreneurial spirit, she’s part of a new generation of professionals doing business differently.
Business Management, Business Advisory
Pexels Daniel Andraski 12234106
Find out how the latest modern inventory management helps you become more efficient, cost-effective and profitable.
News, Taxation
Pexels Cottonbro Studio 5081930
Fraudulent refunds: $1.7 billion paid, $2.7 billion in claims prevented, 56,000 alleged perpetrators, 100+ arrests. What fueled the TikTok tax scandal?
Business Management, Business Advisory
Pexels The Coach Space 2977547
Performance reviews are a valuable tool for tracking people's progress, providing feedback, and aligning individual achievement with company goals. But they have to be done well. Here are some top tips for getting the most out of your performance reviews.
Bookkeeping, Business Management, Business Advisory
Pexels Karolina Grabowska 4467735
Messy, inflexible schedules, inaccurate timesheets, time-consuming data entry – paper-based time management is slowing your business down. We can help speed things up.
Business Management, Business Advisory
Pexels Christina Morillo 1181345
Business continuity’ is the process of planning out how your company can continue trading – when disaster hits. In essence, it’s your Plan B for how to set up a means of trading, when you don’t have access to your usual offices, workspaces or equipment.
Finance, Business Management, Accounting, Taxation
Pexels Rdne Stock Project 7821684
The tax refund many Australians expect has dramatically reduced. We show you why.
Bookkeeping, Taxation
Pexels Nataliya Vaitkevich 6863329
Do you offer your employees benefits in addition to salary and wages? If so, you may need to report FBT. Fringe benefits can help employees reduce their taxable income but you need to take care of the admin
Finance, Bookkeeping, Business Advisory, Accounting
Pexels Monstera 6238186
Are staff expenses affecting your cash flow? Find out how the latest expense management software helps put you back in control of your employee spending.
Finance, Bookkeeping, Business Advisory, Accounting
Pexels Artem Podrez 5716025
Proving that you’re a viable business. We’ve listed the main reasons why lenders and investors want to see solid financial statements before they invest in you
Finance, Business Advisory, Accounting
Pexels Tiger Lily 7109292
Your financial reports depict the general health of your business and having a good understanding of these reports enables you to pinpoint areas that require a more detailed diagnosis.
Finance, Business Management, Economy, Accounting
Pexels Thisisengineering 3862632
The 120% skills and training, and technology costs deduction for small and medium business have passed Parliament. We’ll show you how to take maximise your deductions.
Business Management, Business Advisory, Accounting
Looking for someone to guide your entrepreneurial journey? Your accountant could be the mentor you didn’t know you needed.
Finance, Business Management, Business Advisory, Accounting
Pexels Pavel Danilyuk 7658352
The balance sheet is arguably the most important report. We've highlighted critical elements to understand when it comes to your balance sheet.
Accounting, Taxation
Katie Harp Tbcfwcks638 Unsplash
Want to cut your business costs? We’ve highlighted the business expenses that can (and cannot) be claimed against your ATO tax bill.
Business Growth, Business Basics
Pexels Vlada Karpovich 4050315
Unleash the power of existing customers! Nurture relationships and boost your business. Find out how with our Value Gap Calculator.
Business Growth, Business Basics
John Schnobrich Flpc9 Vocj4 Unsplash
Unleash the power of existing customers! Nurture relationships and boost your business. Find out how with our Value Gap Calculator.
Business Management, Business Advisory, Business Growth, Accounting
Airfocus V89zhr0ibfy Unsplash
Business continuity is your Plan B for how to set up a means of trading in a crisis. Talk to us about your continuity plan.
Finance, Business Management, Business Growth, Economy, Accounting
Pexels Tara Winstead 7111550
Do you operate a trust for investment or business purposes? Trust management can be complex but worthwhile to protect assets, streamline the tax return process and maximise allowable deductions.
Finance, Business Management, Business Growth, Economy, Accounting
Campaign Creators Pypeceajezy Unsplash
Profitable businesses often fail because of poor cashflow. Here are 7 key causes of poor cashflow and how we can help fix them.
Finance, Business Management, Economy, Accounting
The Jopwell Collection Sirtogpj0iq Unsplash
Neglecting business strategy is common as people work tirelessly. Spend just 1% of your time recalibrating for efficiency.
Finance, Business Management, Economy, Accounting
Pexels Sevenstorm Juhaszimrus 439382
Neglecting business strategy is common as people work tirelessly. Spend just 1% of your time recalibrating for efficiency.
Finance, Business Management, Economy, Accounting
Chuttersnap Xfayasmv1p8 Unsplash
Neglecting business strategy is common as people work tirelessly. Spend just 1% of your time recalibrating for efficiency.
Finance, Business Management, Economy, Accounting
Pexels Fauxels 3184292
Neglecting business strategy is common as people work tirelessly. Spend just 1% of your time recalibrating for efficiency.
Finance, Business Management, Economy, Accounting
Austin Distel 744ogeqpxpq Unsplash
Are you still wasting time on manual bookkeeping processes? We’ve explained why digital bookkeeping is the way forward for any serious business in 2023
Finance, Business Management, Economy, Accounting
Ux Indonesia 8mikj83lmsq Unsplash
Are you getting the most from your business data? We’ll help you set up data analytics that tracks and filters your business information to provide the best possible insights.
Finance, Startups, Business Management, Economy, Accounting
Content Pixie L6i8jpzkjqu Unsplash
Have you achieved the goal you set out to achieve as a new startup? We’ve posed 5 important questions for you to ask yourself – before you take the next step in your business journey.
Finance, Startups, Business Management, Economy, Accounting
Carlos Muza Hpjsku2uysu Unsplash
Do you know your P&L from your balance sheet? If not, we’ll get your startup up to speed on all the basics of company accounting.
Finance, Startups, Business Management, Economy, Accounting
Pexels Karolina Grabowska 4386325
Which is more important? Cashflow or profit? We’ll explain why getting in control of your cash is vital for the stability and continued success of your business.
Finance, Startups, Business Management, Economy, Accounting, Business Updates
Helena Lopes Rgpqnvoicdg Unsplash
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has updated its approach to how you claim expenses for working from home.
Business Management, Business Growth, Business Basics
Pexels Fauxels 3184465
Finding the best talent is an uphill struggle. We’ve got some innovative ideas for how to overcome the talent shortage.
Finance, Startups, Business Management, Business Advisory, Business Growth, Economy, Accounting, Business Basics, Business Updates
Scott Graham 5fnmwej4taa Unsplash
Do you know when your business should register for GST? If you're not charging GST, check your income to know when to register with the ATO. Most businesses must register at $75k, but there are special rules for some. Talk to us to get set up.
Finance, Startups, Business Management, Business Advisory, Business Growth, Economy, Accounting, Business Updates
Kelly Sikkema 6vudibhwle8 Unsplash
Ready to sell your business? Then you need an exit strategy and a rock-solid plan for achieving the best sale price.
Startups, Business Management, Business Advisory, Business Growth
Melissa Walker Horn Uxhidfskpiw Unsplash
Cash is King. To work out how fast you can grow your business, you need to look at your projected cashflow. Talk to us. We are here to help.
Startups, Business Management, Business Advisory, Business Growth
Pexels Fauxels 3183197
As your startup grows, how do you make sure your employees share your core values? We’ve got some top tips for building a team that can demonstrate your core vision for the business.
Finance, Business Management, Economy
Vecteezy Illustration Of People Celebrating The New Year 2022 To 2023 13192657
Effective goal setting will help you get the very best out of 2023. Our 5 goal-setting tips will help small business owners reach new highs.
Finance, Business Management, Economy
4f5zrgzos3dkr8gempuiuu Pexels Anna Tarazevich 6027785
Conducting a past-year review with an experienced advisor will provide valuable insights for this year's goal-setting. What will you do differently this year to enable your business to thrive?
Finance, Business Management, Economy
4oglsatkytv9khmlvfxyjf Kelly Sikkema Ndw Wcfk1fo Unsplash
Staying competitive puts your business ahead of the pack. We’ve shared some top advice on how to remain competitive and maintain your leading edge over the competition.
Business Management, Economy
Nicolas Hoizey Poa Ycw1w8u Unsplash
Staying competitive puts your business ahead of the pack. We’ve shared some top advice on how to remain competitive and maintain your leading edge over the competition.
Business Management, Economy
Krakenimages 7bpuzmcxlhu Unsplash
It’s that time of year again - what to do for the Christmas party for the team, customers, gifts of appreciation for your favourite accountant (just kidding), etc. Here are our top tips for a generous and tax effective Christmas season!
Business Management, Business Advisory, Business Growth
Jacqueline Munguia 1pawjicd60c Unsplash
Are your goals still relevant during a global slowdown? Talk to us about reviewing your goals, finances and business plan, so you’re ready to meet the economic ups and downs.
Finance, Business Advisory, Economy, Accounting, Business Updates
Pexels Cottonbro Studio 5474294
Are your goals still relevant during a global slowdown? Talk to us about reviewing your goals, finances and business plan, so you’re ready to meet the economic ups and downs.
Business Management, Business Advisory, Business Growth
Pexels Karolina Grabowska 4491455
If you’re interested in improving your business performance, talk to us about comparing your business to the ATO Small business benchmarks. Benchmarks can help focus attention on areas that could be improved like the ratio of labour cost to turnover.
Business Management, Business Growth, Accounting
Pexels Vlada Karpovich 4050315
Going digital is a no-brainer for any forward-thinking business. We’ve summarised the big advantages of embracing cloud tech and a digital business model.
Finance, Economy, Business Updates
Adeolu Eletu Rfufqjekzfy Unsplash
The Federal Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, handed down the Labor government's first Federal Budget on 22 October 2022. Here are the highlights of the tax and accounting measures announced.
Finance, Business Advisory, Economy, Accounting, Business Updates
Pexels Leeloo Thefirst 8962447
Are your goals still relevant during a global slowdown? Talk to us about reviewing your goals, finances and business plan, so you’re ready to meet the economic ups and downs.
Business Advisory
Christin Hume Mfb1b1s4smc Unsplash
Are your goals still relevant during a global slowdown? Talk to us about reviewing your goals, finances and business plan, so you’re ready to meet the economic ups and downs.
Business Advisory
Pexels Ds Stories 6005069
Are your goals still relevant during a global slowdown? Talk to us about reviewing your goals, finances and business plan, so you’re ready to meet the economic ups and downs.
Business Growth
Jon Tyson Vvsleeypsgy Unsplash
Knowing what your customers want helps you meet your growth targets. We’ve outlined 5 ways to improve your understanding of your customers.
Finance, Accounting
Pexels Monstera 6289065
Take advantage of options available to you to maximise your super balance so you can enjoy the benefits of compound interest. There are also tax benefits. Get advice about what type of contribution is best for you to help make the most of your super.
Finance, Business Management, Business Advisory, Business Growth, Economy
Pexels Liza Summer 6347705
It is now more important than ever to make sure your contracts with independent contractors are clear and accurately capture the relationship.
Startups, Business Management, Business Advisory, Business Growth
Pexels Karolina Grabowska 5387261
It is now more important than ever to make sure your contracts with independent contractors are clear and accurately capture the relationship.
Propeller Advisory Four Things To Look Out For This Tax Time
We have complied a short list of items that the ATO will be scrutinising this tax season. Additional documentation may be required if you are expecting to make a claim this year.
Pexels Olya Kobruseva 7598024
Improving your brand awareness is one way to give your company a competitive advantage. We’ve summarised some important tips for making your brand stand out. #competitiveadvantage #brand
Business Advisory, Business Growth, Taxation
Propeller Advisory Fringe Benefits Tax And Business
Do you offer your employees benefits in addition to salary and wages? If so, you may need to report FBT. Fringe benefits can help employees reduce their taxable income but you need to take care of the admin. Get in contact to learn more.
Business Advisory, Business Growth
Why You Should Have A Business Continuity Plan
Need to get a plan in place? We’ll help you look for the risks, challenges and opportunities to continue trading. We’ll also help you put together a watertight business continuity plan #businesscontinuity #riskplanning
Startups, Business Advisory, Business Growth
Pexels Ready Made 3850571
How green is your business? You’ve got to be sustainable if you want to keep up with changing consumer trends – so here are 5 quick ways to get started.
Finance, Accounting
Tax Tips For Small Businesses 2022 Propeller Advisory
This year it’s important to get your records and tax return correct because of the continued unusual business circumstances. Talk to us and we’ll help make tax time easy and make sure you’re claiming all that you can for your business.
Finance, Accounting
#DebtorDays measures how long customers take to pay you. Ever feel your customers treat your business like a bank? You must get paid promptly! Come to a Cashflow & Profit Improvement Meeting to learn how #CashIsKing #GetPaidFaster
Finance, Business Advisory, Business Growth, Accounting, Business Basics
Ways To Maximise Your Super
Take advantage of options available to you to maximise your super balance so you can enjoy the benefits of compound interest. There are also tax benefits. Get advice about what type of contribution is best for you to help make the most of your super.
Finance, Business Advisory, Business Growth, Accounting, Business Basics
Pexels Yan Krukov 7698827
Stay on top of cash flow with cloud accounting software. It’s a decision that can save you time that you can spend on other areas of your business. Talk to us, we can help. #accounting #smallbusiness
Business Growth, Business Basics, Taxation
Kostiantyn Li 1scxwvoqkaw Unsplash
Do you operate a trust for investment or business purposes? Trust management can be complex but worthwhile to protect assets, streamline the tax return process and maximise allowable deductions. Talk to us about how we can help manage your trust.
Accounting, Business Basics, Taxation
Best Routes To Finance
Do you need extra funding to take the next step in your business strategy? We’ll help you review the lenders and finance products – so you have the best possible routes to finance. #businessadvice
Propeller Advisory Tax Time Targets
With tax season almost upon us the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has revealed its four areas of focus this tax season. We look at the issues and the common problems.
Finance, Accounting
Propeller Advisory Single Touch Payroll
Prepare now for finalising STP payroll data by 14 July. Book a time with us today to check essential employee information, verify the numbers and confirm payroll categories are linked to the correct reporting fields before lodging with the ATO.
Finance, Economy, Accounting, Business Updates
The Top View Desk And Blank Calendar With A Pen And Office Equip
A series of reforms and changes will commence on 1 July 2022. Here’s what is coming up.
Finance, Bookkeeping, Business Advisory, Economy, Accounting, Business Updates, Pricing
Dts Currency Fanette Guilloud 6010
Inflation is hitting hard – what does it mean for your business? The downsides, a couple of potential positives, and how to get in touch to figure out how much you should raise your prices.
Business Management, Business Advisory, Business Growth
Wooden Block Stacking As Step Stair With White Arrow Up On Blue
Is your startup ready to scale up? We’ll help you build a viable scale-up plan, with costings, budgets and achievable targets to meet.
Business Management, Business Advisory, Business Growth, Business Basics
Dts Grand Design Daniel Farò 4159
Want to expand your business development activity, but don’t know how? We’ll help you highlight the opportunities and draw up the best possible plan for your BD activities.
Business Management
Dts Home Buyer Mathew Addington 1415
Now is a great time to review contractor agreements to clearly define the working relationship, rights and obligations. Ask us about getting lawful contracts for all your independent contractors so you can trust the terms of the engagement.
Business Management
Finn Njupv3aop U Unsplash
Having a healthy workplace is great for employers and employees, but it can be a challenge to create an environment that truly supports mental health and builds resilience. This article looks at proven ways to support employee wellbeing.
S O C I A L C U T 3k77lkt5afc Unsplash
The Victorian government has announced thousands of workers in casual and insecure jobs will now be able to access five days of paid sick leave per year. This provides casual and contract workers with a guarantee they will receive paid leave when they need to take time off when they are sick or need to care for loved ones.
The Ato’s Attack On Trusts And Trust Distributions
Late last month, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) released a package of new guidance material that directly targets how trusts distribute income. Many family groups will pay higher taxes (now and potentially retrospectively) as a result of the ATO’s more aggressive approach. Family trust beneficiaries at risk The tax legislation contains an integrity rule, section...
Startups, Business Advisory, Succession Planning, Business Growth, Business Basics, Pricing
Grow Your Numbers Increase Transaction Value
The endless pursuit of new customers often distracts us from looking after our existing ones (and their sales needs)! Want to increase your average customer spend? And delight your existing clients? We can help.
Startups, Business Advisory, Succession Planning, Business Growth, Business Basics
5 Signs You’re Undercharging
Are you undercharging for your fees? We’ve got the five warning signs that can help you diagnose whether your prices are too low. #Pricing
Business Advisory, Succession Planning, Business Growth, Business Basics
Propeller Advisory Business Planning
We see people, who are excellent at what they do, work tirelessly in their businesses while neglecting their strategy. Spending 1% of your work time (or 20 hours a year) on recalibrating your business is key for #Efficiency #Growth #Sanity #WeCanHelp
Accounting, Business Updates, Taxation
Propeller Advisory Covid 19 Employees
Are you providing employee benefits other than salary due to COVID-19? If so, you could be up for fringe benefits tax. FBT is complex, but we can assess whether exemptions apply to your business or assess any liability. Book a time with us.
Finance, Startups, Business Growth
Propeller Advisory Getting Fund For Startups
Getting access to funding is vital for any startup. We’ll help you work out your startup costs so you can find the right capital and kickstart your operations. #businessadvice #startup
Propeller Advisory Business Tax
Thinking about starting or changing a business? We'll make sure you have the appropriate tax registrations. We'll help you manage and plan for the relevant taxes your business will need to pay and we’ll claim the right tax concessions.
Propeller Advisory Business Finances
Do you know your P&L from your balance sheet? If not, we’ll get your startup up to speed on all the basics of company accounting.
Lockdown Grants, News, Business Updates
Propeller Advisory Business Support Package
The NSW Government has announced a $1bn support package for struggling NSW small businesses.
Propeller Advisory Q3 Deadline 3
Don’t let the relaxed summer vibe make you forget your obligations! We can help you plan for your business lodgment and payment deadlines in the first months of 2022. Talk to us about getting organised for your upcoming due dates.
Superannuation Propeller Advisory Taxation
Understanding tax on super can be complicated. We can help you get your ducks in a row! Minimise your tax and make the most of super with simple strategies. Talk to us today about getting your super sorted.
Taxation Propeller Advisory
Do you understand your personal income tax, what you have to declare, and how much you can claim? We can help get your taxable income correct, maximise allowable deductions and get the best tax return.
Business Growth
2022 Business Planning Business Growth Propeller Advisory
Start planning now for a great 2022! What will you do differently this year to enable your business to thrive? Conducting a past-year review with an experienced advisor will provide valuable insights for this year's goal setting. Get in touch today.
Christmas Cocktail Propeller Advisory
Inside you'll find a short eBook, providing some light reading, activities, and a cocktail recipe to reflect the year that was; we hope you enjoy it!
Business Management, Taxation
Charitable Christmas Gifts Propeller Advisory
We’ve got some great ideas for giving charitable, green or community-based corporate gifts this Christmas. Find out how you can make a difference to your community.
Business Management, Taxation
Christmas Decorations
We take a lighter look at the Australian tax laws and what might happen if Santa was a tax resident. Plus, your top Christmas tax questions & the High Court has ruled that the ‘backpacker tax’ is discriminatory - we look at the implications.
Business Management, Accounting, Taxation
Superkitina Giimjw5mzaa Unsplash
Planning a Christmas party? Giving gifts to clients and suppliers? Paying a Christmas bonus? Talk to us to see if you can claim all or part of the cost as business expenses. Don’t get caught out by tricky entertainment rules!
Accounting, Taxation
Cryptocurrency Propeller Advisory
Investing or considering buying cryptocurrency like bitcoin? It’s important to explore the tax implications.
Xero, Business Management
Reconciliations Propeller Advisory
Are you spending hours of precious business time completing your bank reconciliations? We’ll show you how to switch to cloud accounting and automate these bank recs.
Business Management
Director Id Propeller Advisory
We discuss the process, timing and issues for establishing a Director ID under the new Director Identification Number regime that came into effect on 1 November. And, we incorporate the latest guidance from the ATO in our summary of the commonly asked questions about investing in blockchain.
Business Management
Propeller Advisory
Do you have direct debits and online payments set up to make it easy for your customers to pay you? Talk to us today about implementing online payment systems to reduce admin time, improve the accuracy of your accounts and get paid quicker.
Accounting, Taxation
Recha Oktaviani H2adkwigqea Unsplash
Want to make sure you’re not paying too much capital gains tax? Keep all your asset records to make tax calculations easy. We'll make sure you receive any exemptions, discounts, or small business concessions allowed and check for special circumstances.
Lilartsy Zgpqyjatpjw Unsplash
Do you know the difference between your P&L and your balance sheet? We can explain exactly what each report means – and how it reflects your current performance as a business
Business Management
Towfiqu Barbhuiya J1dzpfts4gu Unsplash
Are you considering a COVID-19 vaccination policy for your workplace? Here’s what you need to consider and some tips on creating a supportive environment for your team.
Jeshoots Com Mseswdmzr A Unsplash
It won't be long before we can stop talking about COVID-19 (won’t that be nice) but for now, with the Treasurer’s announcement that Commonwealth COVID-19 financial support will start to be withdrawn from 70% full vaccination and cease at 80%.
Business Management
Jess Bailey Q10vitrvyum Unsplash
Have you recently changed your business purpose? We’ll help you to amend your business plan and get all the operational and financial elements in line for the next stage in your success story.
Business Management
Maksym Kaharlytskyi Q9y3lruuxmg Unsplash
Do you want to move towards efficient and sustainable digital business administration? We can help you set up digital business systems.
Business Management, Succession Planning
Ross Findon Mg28olyfghi Unsplash
It’s a good idea to think about your succession plan long before you need to sell. With a plan in place, you can maximise the value of the business and achieve a better outcome.
Pexels Content Pixie 2736499
Inside this month we look at the process of unwinding the pandemic for a return to "normal". And, the new law that enables the ATO to share superannuation information with the family court during divorce proceedings and the superannuation gender divide.
Business Management
Kelly Sikkema Xx2wtblr3r8 Unsplash
Creating wellbeing in the workplace doesn’t have to take time and resources. There are simple things you can do to promote a healthy workplace, including some great apps to support wellbeing.
Business Management
S O C I A L C U T 3jdwguaenk Unsplash
Stuck in lockdown and feeling frustrated? It could be the perfect time to do some planning. Having a plan, or just a couple of goals, can help you make better business decisions and sort out your priorities.
Business Management
Pexels Mikhail Nilov 7828315
Is your cost of goods sold (COGS) impacting your gross profit? We’ll help you understand your goods-related expenses and drive a better profit margin on your products.
Lockdown Grants
Louis Hansel Restaurant Photographer Wvop Q2bg A Unsplash
If your business is impacted by the lockdowns across Australia, there is support available to you through the Business Hardship grant.
Lockdown Grants
Avel Chuklanov Dumfltmeabq Unsplash (2)
If your business is impacted by the July 2021 lockdowns in South Australia, a business support grant is available for those that experienced a decline in turnover. An additional grant is available to businesses operating from commercial premises in the Adelaide CBD.
Lockdown Grants
Kylie De Guia Jz Xjtxaz1y Unsplash (1)
If your business is impacted by the lockdowns across the ACT, support is available through grants, rebates and waivers.
Do you fully understand the impact of your business activities on your cash flow? Your cash flow statement can give you great insight into business operations. Book a session today to deep dive into your financial reports.
Lockdown Grants
Qld Lockdown
11 Queensland local Government areas were declared a Commonwealth hotspot on 31 July 2021. If you are impacted, there is assistance available to you and your business.
Buying Or Selling Shares Tax Returns
Have you bought and sold shares this financial year? Share trading is easier than ever but you still need to include details on your tax return.
Lockdown Grants
Qld Lockdown
VIC Lockdown Government Support for Businesses and Individuals Here's what we know so far.
Lockdown Grants
Nsw Business Lockdown Support
NSW Lockdown Government Support for Businesses. Here's what we know so far.
Lockdown Grants
Pexels Rodnae Productions 7564284
COVID-19 Lockdown Support for Individuals. If you can’t work because you or someone in your household is impacted by COVID-19, support is available. Here's what we know so far.
Covid Lockdown Support
What financial support is available this time around to help you and your business through the challenges of the next few months of lockdown and COVID-19 restrictions?
Uncategorized, Client Stories
Blencowes 1
Blencowes is the kind of cafe you walk into, and feel like you've arrived home. It's the heart of the Balaclava community.
Adomas Aleno 4vrzpoo7ftc Unsplash
Organising your end-of-financial year documents now means you can get your tax completed earlier and maximise your return. Book in your tax return appointment now and rest easy knowing it’s under control.
Jobkeeper 2.0 V2 Final Cover
Check below for constantly updated resources and links. Our JobKeeper 2.0 guide was updated on 18 September 2020, and contains all the latest information you need.
Webinars Propeller Advisory
Our webinars feature helpful business advice from our very own clients and other experts.
Resources Booklet Covers Website
Download our tools and templates to stay on top of your business finances.
Resources Booklet Covers Website 1
If you’re thinking of starting a new business, or are still in the early stages of building your business, our webinars and resources can help you make sense of the complexities (and enjoy the challenges!).
Snapshot Company Main Page
All you need to know for a smooth end of financial year. Relevant to the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 financial years.
Snapshot Sole Trader Main Page
All you need to know for a smooth end of financial year. Relevant to the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 financial years.
Trust Eofy 2019 2020
All you need to know for a smooth end of financial year. Relevant to the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 financial years.
Individuals Eofy2020–2021
All you need to know for a smooth end of financial year. Relevant to the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 financial years.
Small Business Growth Guide Cover
Propel your business to success, with our structured approach to business development.
Business Management
Executium 4kjjezdyo3m Unsplash
Crypto transactions are on the ATO radar. Tax and GST rules apply the same to crypto as to other forms of payment, just like bartering. Talk to us about getting your crypto transaction records together for your tax return.
Prepare now for finalising STP payroll data by 14 July. Book a time with us today to check essential employee information, verify the numbers and confirm payroll categories are linked to the correct reporting fields before lodging with the ATO.
Inside this month, what's changing on 1 July 2021, work from home expenses under scrutiny and the perils of browsing facebook, and how insurance proceeds are taxed.
Tax Tips For Property Investors
Are you making the most out of your investment property? Getting the income and allowable tax deductions right can be complex. Talk to us today to maximise your 2021 tax return.
Chiara Pinna D0qwndxsr38 Unsplash
Are you making the most of allowable tax deductions? Individuals can claim for general work-related expenses as well as occupation-specific expenses and working from home. Book a time now to prepare your 2021 tax and we’ll help maximise your return.
Accounting, SMSF
Georgie Cobbs Bkjhgo Lbpo Unsplash
Need help with your self-managed superannuation fund? It's important to get the details right. We can help with managing investments, compliance, administration, and reporting. Talk to us to get the most out of your SMSF assets.
Budget 2021-2022
Propeller Advisory Federal Budget 2021 22
Propeller Advisory presents an overview of the Australian Federal 2021-2022 Budget.
Budget 2021-2022
Propeller Advisory presents an overview of the Australian Federal 2021-2022 Budget.
Budget 2021-2022, SMSF
Propeller Advisory presents an overview of the Australian Federal 2021-2022 Budget.
Budget 2021-2022
Propeller Advisory presents an overview of the Australian Federal 2021-2022 Budget.
Budget 2021-2022
Propeller Advisory presents an overview of the Australian Federal 2021-2022 Budget.
Budget 2021-2022
Propeller Advisory presents an overview of the Australian Federal 2021-2022 Budget.
Budget 2021-2022
Budget 2021 22 Blog Banners
Propeller Advisory presents an overview of the Australian Federal 2021-2022 Budget.
Budget 2021-2022
Propeller Advisory presents an overview of the Australian Federal 2021-2022 Budget.
Pexels Black Ice 1314546
Understanding your financial reports improves decision-making and results as you can see the impact of your decisions and quickly take corrective action.
Pexels Fotografierende 1194775
Unclear on the story your Balance Sheet tells? Don’t know how to calculate key ratios to measure the strength of your business? We can help demystify your Balance Sheet. The stronger it is, the stronger your business will be!
Business Management
Pexels Gabby K 5849588
The super guarantee rate will rise in July this year to 10%. Have you calculated the extra cost to your business? This rate increase will impact employer expenses and may affect salary packages. Talk to us now so you don't get caught out.
Business Management
Pexels Maksim Goncharenok 4412924
Worried about your cashflow and the profitability of your business? Come and talk to us. We’ll review your finances and will highlight key ways to improve your cash position while keeping the profits rolling in.
Xero, Business Management
Apps For Your Business
Want to create the perfect app stack for your business? Come and talk to us. We’ll help you navigate the Xero app store and create a perfectly connected and integrated Xero system.
Business Management
Apps For Your Business
Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 has been postponed to January 2022. The changes will include more payroll detail and make it easier for employees to interact with Services Australia. Get in touch to discuss better payroll systems before STP Phase 2 starts.
Business Updates
Is your business eligible for JobMaker? If you have engaged new employees since October 2020, or you want to employ new people, you could qualify for the hiring credits. Talk to us about how to access the scheme and verify the payroll headcount increase.
Andrew Neel Cckf4tshauw Unsplash
Closely held payees must be reported via Single Touch Payroll from July 2021. Now is the time to get organised. Talk to us about how and when to report actual payments or estimated amounts to family members and beneficiaries.
Business Management
Leadership Lessons
We’ve distilled some key leadership lessons into the acronym JUST FOR ME; simple things you can implement to become a better leader.
Business Management
Matthew Henry 2ts5hna67k8 Unsplash
“The goal isn’t more money. The goal is living life on your terms.” Owning a business is stressful. We want to help you reduce your stress levels so you can sleep better at night and live life on your terms
Pawel Czerwinski Jkwwcg6wyci Unsplash
Feel like too much of your hard earned income is spent on Tax? While tax is inevitable, we can review your financial affairs and ensure you’re paying only what you need to while remaining compliant.
Micheile Henderson Zvprbbmt8qa Unsplash
Want to cut unnecessary costs, optimise the most profitable parts of the business, and increase your overall return on investment? Let’s talk about how we can work together to support your ongoing business profitability.
Business Basics
Paige Cody Ittqjs3upoy Unsplash
Knowing who your competitors are, how they compare, and what their competitive advantages are is vital business intelligence. Do your research, talk to customers, and find your point of difference.
Business Management
Austin Distel Imc Iozdmxc Unsplash
Your business may be profitable but is it solvent? Your Balance Sheet is a key indicator of solvency; neglect it at your peril! Profitable businesses can & do go broke. Discover 4 areas of your Balance Sheet focus to maximise success!
Business Updates
Pexels Quang Anh Ha Nguyen 884977
Propel your biz with this short list of finance tips that address key areas of growth and opportunities for improvement.
Business Updates
December Knowledge Newsletter
As 2020 draws to a close, we explore the Covid-19 impact, JobKeeper, and 2021 risks and opportunities.
Pexels Olya Kobruseva 5556303
This Year’s Black Friday & Cyber Monday Events will be like no Other E-commerce analysts are predicting this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) to be the most significant events in online retail history. This comes as research into the post-pandemic economy reveals record trends in consumer spending, seeing the highest e-commerce penetration of...
Pexels Life Of Pix 4291
Being able to trust your team is gold standard but introducing a few simple processes ensures that is much harder for someone to abuse your trust. Think about these tips to safeguard your business and keep your trusted relationships strong. Housekeeping Good systems make it easy to understand and hard to hide things. If you...
Malvestida Magazine Ffbvflavscw Unsplash
Debtor Days measure how long, on average, your customers take to pay you. Ever feel your customers treat your business like a bank? Especially in times of crisis, you must get paid promptly! #CashIsKing #GetPaidFaster 
This is the time to re-invent how we operate and define a clear plan to reach a new 'business as usual'.
Uncategorized, Client Stories
20201119 Thecustomeragency 237
The Customer Agency helps businesses transform their sales teams and grow sustainably with customer-centric thinking.
November Knowledge Newsletter
This month, discover how JobMaker hiring credits work, plus what deductions are available as part of the 2020-21 Budget business incentives.
Uncategorized, Client Stories
Wood And Co Coffee Staff
Wood and Co Coffee offers a taste of what it is like to be part of a globally diverse community, unified by the language of coffee.
Xero, Webinars
Katie Xero Webinar
Propeller CEO and Xero extraordinaire Katie Bryan answers all your questions about making the most of Xero.
Bookkeeping, Business Growth, Accounting
Change Your Bookkeeping
Discover the benefits of swapping DIY bookkeeping for an outsourced solution.
Business Growth
Rothy's Shoes
Innovation contributes to your business’ financial well-being. Unfortunately, small businesses in particular get so bogged down with day-to-day operations that innovation is ignored or initiated only when the alarm bells are ringing. By this point – it can be too late. Exploring new ideas shouldn’t be a one-time activity done yearly or at specific intervals....
Uncategorized, Client Stories
Shukri And One Of The Daughters Who Inspires Her Scaled
Propeller client Shukri Abi runs successful audiology clinic Abi Hearing: uniquely offering every type of hearing service.
Budget 2020 2021 Overview
An overview of the Australian Federal Budget's 2020-2021 Budget, with key highlights.
Budget 2020 2021 For You
Propeller Advisory presents an overview of the impact of the 2020-2021 Federal Budget on you.
Budget 2020 2021 Superannuation
Superannuation reforms have been outlined in the Federal Budget 2020-2021.
Budget 2020 2021 Business And Employers
An overview of Federal Budget initiatives and announcements for businesses and employers.
Budget 2020 2021 Infrastructure
Discover what the 2020-2021 Federal Budget has in store for water, transport, homes and roads.
Budget 2020 2021 Other
Budget 2020-21 measures for university funding, manufacturing, women's economic security and more.
Business Management
Budget Review
Tips to stay on top of your budget, and own your numbers.
This month's newsletter features all you need to know about wrapping up JobKeeper.
News, Webinars
Child Looking Ahead
Propeller Advisory Founder/CEO Katie Bryan gives Aussie business owners a look ahead to the future of JobKeeper.
Business Basics
Buy Now Pay Later
After-pay systems in their current format might be fairly new, but they've quickly become mainstream. Discover how to use them to your advantage.
Gift For You Vicgov
The Victorian Government announced this week that they are investing $3 billion to help businesses impacted by ongoing Covid-19 restrictions.
Startups, Webinars
Kate Whitehead Avant Group
Inject some energy back into your sales strategy, with tips from the team at The Customer Agency.
Sarah Jason Customer Agency Webinar
Inject some energy back into your sales strategy, with tips from the team at The Customer Agency.
Marketing In A Crisis
The weekend news of an extended lock down in Melbourne was frustrating. Hang in there; and try these tips to boost your engagement (and morale).
Knowledge Newsletter September 2020
Our September summary of all your business and finance news, including the ongoing impact of Covid-19 restrictions.
Bookkeeping, Accounting
Receipts Bookkeeping
Four bookkeeping mistakes to look out for, to avoid cash flow issues and tax problems for your business.
Business Basics, Webinars
Business Setup Basics Numbers
Setting up your own business is exciting, but can also be challenging. Our Business Basics webinar series takes you through each step of starting a business.
Working From Home
Here at Propeller Advisory, we’re obsessed with helping you get better at doing business. Whether that’s improving your bottom line, learning to love your numbers, managing a more effective team, or enhancing your marketing, we ask our clients and other experts to share their expertise. View all our webinars on our Resources page
Marketing Workshop Like
A practical webinar for small businesses who want to refresh their brand story, hosted by our client The Storytelling Business.
Business Management
Acuity Magazine 21 August 2020
Propeller Advisory CEO Katie Bryan shares ways to keep your team productive and well during Covid-19 restrictions. This article first appeared in Acuity magazine on 21 August 2020. By Alexandra Cain No-one wants another lockdown, but the experience in Melbourne and Auckland has shown how easily it can happen. IN BRIEF In the event of...
Business Basics
Over three in five potential customers or clients will refer to a business’ online reviews before making a decision as to whether they’ll buy, call or visit. Savvy marketers use them to trumpet their triumph or improve the quality of their products and services. While positive reviews are obviously helpful, negative reviews that are not...
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