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The rise of entrepreneurs in the last few years has brought about significant growth in innovation, with a shift from traditional business practises to creative, independent entrepreneurs ruling the industry. As more people undertake the journey to being a successful entrepreneur, the higher the misconceptions surrounding this career path have become.

In this article, we explore the unspoken realities of the entrepreneur life, detailing the unglamorous pathway innovators are taking to the top, and why it’s essential to understand what’s ahead of you as an entrepreneur.

Long Hours Aren’t Just A Myth

We continuously speak about saving time, minimising our efforts as business owners, and shortening our work week to create a harmonious work-life balance. However, as an entrepreneur, this concept doesn’t necessarily apply; as innovators, you don’t expect to work long hours, you just do. With their personal expectations and the weight of success on their shoulders, entrepreneurs find themselves working longer hours than any other profession, and prioritise more of their home life to their success.

The Path Isn’t Straight Lined

With no certain, projected career path, no guaranteed earnings, and no means of promotion, the entrepreneur’s path to success is far from straight forward. The media entertains us with overnight success stories, alluring us into thinking that entrepreneurs can dream up an idea, deliver it to the market, and make millions on the spot. This idea is far from reality, as there are no ways of predicting success, or even the profitability of any business idea.

You Will Need To Rely On External Resources

Entrepreneurs can’t do it all. While most entrepreneurs undertake this style of career to move away from conventional business hierarchies, it’s impossible to realise complex business endeavours without the support of other professionals. Whether it be business strategists, external bookkeepers, or accountants, entrepreneurs will find themselves relying on basic teamwork and outsourcing to be successful.

Don’t Assume Everyone Will Understand

This style of career isn’t for everyone, and while there has been a significant rise in entrepreneurship in the last few years, the concept is still widely misunderstood. Friends, loved ones, and former co-workers won’t always appreciate your new lifestyle, nor will they entirely understand your work hours, commitments and the basics of your role. This misunderstanding will cause you to feel isolated at times, but be assured this is simply due to a lack of knowledge, not a lack of caring.